Nigel Dunand – Managing Director, Sandler Training, Birmingham. Chairman – Institute of Sales Management. Midlands

    • Nigel Dunand – Managing Director, Sandler Training, Birmingham. Chairman – Institute of Sales Management. Midlands's presentations

    If you, or your audiences are seeking to drive revenues, build high-performance sales teams, and learn game-changing techniques, look no further. Nigel connects with his audiences in an inspiring and intimate way that keeps them coming back for more.

    A regular speaker on the topic of sales and sales leadership, Nigel blends sales acumen, sales management and leadership skills to create bigger, better and faster sales for small/mid-size businesses to FTSE 250’s. Nigel trains businesses to develop stronger sales teams, create better hiring practices and create a culture of success. Nigel possesses almost 30 years of experience in sales and sales management.

    Prior to Sandler, Nigel spent much of his career at top-tier industrial automation and engineering companies transforming technically competent specialists into commercially savvy dealmakers. He is currently regional Chairman of the Institute of Sales Management (ISM formerly ISMM)


    Title: Break the Rules and Close more Deals!


    This talk is an opportunity for managing directors, business owners and sales directors to take a look at their sales process from a different perspective.

    Gain insights into how you can keep yourself motivated and inspire your team to sell more. More efficiently, and more naturally.

    Do any of these common business development challenges resonate with you?

    • Annoyed at how much time is spent on proposals and quotations that eventually go nowhere?
    • Concerned about potential customers dragging their heels on making decisions?
    • Frustrated that you or your salespeople are “too busy” to prospect?
    • Disappointed that even some of your best customers haggle over price?
    • Tired of spending money on marketing gimmicks, without seeing predictable results?
    • Unsure of how to identify a technically qualified candidate who can really sell?

    Then this belief challenging and entertaining talk is for you.

    Avoid falling into the trap known as the Buyer/Seller dance.

    Find out how you and your business can get the results you deserve by using a non-traditional and counter-intuitive sales process. … But only if you are willing to “Break the Rules” of conventional sales.




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